Seeds of Hope International Partnerships (SoHIP)is a Holistic Christian Community Development Organization.
Because of SoHIP’s Holistic approach and belief that coming out of poverty is a process which takes multifaceted solutions, SoHIP has committed to strategizing and working together with community members and leaders to address many of the issues that holds them in a state of poverty. This belief has facilitated SoHIP to go back into the communities again and again laying down layers of interventions that promote hope, transformation and lasting change. This long-term relationship has uniquely positioned SoHIP to meet the needs in the communities that are empowered through this project. SoHIP strives to take into consideration all of the needs and strengths of the people SoHIP empowers— that said; SoHIP is strongest in integrated water, sanitation, and hygiene (iWASH) projects: drilling boreholes, repairing hand pumps, and building and distributing BiosSand Filters. SoHIP has been designated as a iWASH Expertise Training Center (WETC) by the Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST), in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Seeds of Hope also has begun to train local community members in agriculture and vocational skills/business development at the Community Resource Center in Ndola, Zambia. [blockquote]Seeds of Hope believes that bringing safe water hygiene and sanitation stops the downward spiral of poverty, and that taking an integrated approach to train, equip, and partner for transformation ultimately reverses that spiral.[/blockquote]

In the last few years we have brought direct relief and development to several areas of Zambia, including providing clean water to over 500,000 people. Click the Seeds of Hope “Stat Sheet” for our latest numbers. The World Health Organization states that by providing clean water to an area, the basic level of health in a community can be raised by 15-20% and by hygiene and sanitation training it can be raised 20-25%. However, when combining clean water with hygiene and sanitation a community’s basic level of health can be increased up to 85%. Seeds of Hope enters communities with a holistic approach, bringing training in multiple areas. More than just clean water, we seek to introduce numerous tools that together will help communities implement sustainable change. This is the heart and vision of SoHIP, to change communities, by bringing health, hope and a future back to the people.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD.
“They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11