Seeds of Hope International Partnership’s vision is in three parts
1) Train people in both spiritual and practical ways to go to the nations with tools that will bring hope and healing to those they minister to.
2) Equip people who will then duplicate that equipping within their communities with a heart to care for the poor and needy through community development.
3) Partner with a wide variety of churches, organizations, and people to bring that hope and healing along with the gospel in a deeper way to each member of their community.


Approximately 1.1 billion people around the world do not have acceptable access to an adequate supply of safe drinking water.
A child dies every 15 seconds from water-related diseases.    (World Health Organization)
Africa is in the midst of crippling poverty, the AIDS pandemic, malaria, and unclean drinking water, combined with up to 90% unemployment. People are in desperate need of:

• Producing clean drinking water
• More efficient food production
• Basic hygiene training
• Learning, which produces hope for the future

In Zambia, one in five people have HIV or AIDS. There are 572,000 AIDS orphans. Zambia is ranked number 13 among the highest infant mortality rates of all the countries of the world.

Lack of clean water is at the root of many of these problems. Imagine that every glass of water you drink is a cup of sickness and disease. Diarrhea, headaches and dehydration are a common part of every day life. Cholera, typhoid and bilharzias outbreaks are commonplace.




In the last few years we have brought direct relief and development to several areas of Zambia including providing clean water to over 140,000 people. The World Health Organization states that by providing clean water to an area, the basic level of health in a community can be raised by 15-20% and by hygiene and sanitation training it can be raised 20-25%. However, when combining clean water with hygiene and sanitation a community’s basic level of health can be increased up to 85%.
This is the heart and vision of SHIP, to change communities, by bringing health, hope and a future back to the people.


"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD.
"They are plans for good and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11



ZAMBIA: In response to desperate situations facing Southern Africa, Seeds of Hope International Partnerships (S.H.I.P.) has brought resources to empower local Africans to address overwhelming issues. Our vision is to establish Resource Center s in needy communities. where people come to us to be trained in one or more areas of community development. They are then equipped to take what they have learned to their own communities to help establish lasting change. Presently we teach:

• Pump Repair/Water Well Drilling
• Bio-Sand filter production
• Hygiene and Sanitation
• Agriculture Development
• Literacy/ Education
• Business Development

MEXICO: In Mexico we have a vision to help in areas similar to what we have been able to do in Africa. Specifically we are looking to partner with churches, ministries or communities where we can do hygiene trainings, agriculture and water source development. One additional ministry that we are able to do will be drilling water wells with our own machine. We have recovered and are restoring a drill rig that is in Mexico that has the ability to drill 250ft. It has been missing for several years and incredibly the Lord directed us right to where it has been. There are two churches in Tecate that are in need of water wells. Pray that the Lord supplies all that we need in regard to finances, tools, and expertise. We hope to drill with the rig in the Autumn.

U.S.A.: In the US we are doing trainings and equipping teams to go into the nations with hope and healing. We are very excited to be working together with several other organizations to accomplish these things.

CANADA: Orley Campbell is working there building drill rigs to be sent to other countries as we can train the crews. We are also partnering with Awassa pumps to promote their new hand pumps


S.H.I.P. is being led by the founding director Kirk Schauer. He has been Associate Pastor of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship Santa Maria for the past 6 years. He and his wife have extensive overseas experience - living in Hong Kong working to rehabilitate heroin addicts both spiritually and physically. They facilitated job skills trainings and church planting. They also lived in Cambodia where they helped to establish initial structures for Community Development along with church planting. Kirk is involved in training and mentoring others in these areas specifically team building, cross cultural ministry, being naturally supernatural by using spiritual gifts, and various community development trainings. Many others have joined the team and the strength of what we are doing is based on their talents and God’s blessings.

In Zambia, our Seeds of Hope team is being led by Pastor Francis Feruka. Francis has been the pastor of the Mapalo Vineyard Christian Fellowship since the church was planted in 2003. Before that Francis worked as an accountant for the hospital in Ndola and also for the mining industry. Francis’ wife, Flavia, is a nurse working with HIV patients in home health care.
Francis and Flavia have been an incredible blessing in leading the team in Zambia. They truly have a father’s heart for the people. Seeds of Hope would not be where we are without their integrity and hard work,.
The Seeds of Hope team in Zambia is pioneering different areas. We have a full-time water development staff working in drilling water wells, building and distributing sand filters, pump repair, water testing, and hygiene and sanitation education.


Kirk Schauer and Francis Feruka explaining sandfilters

 Seeds of Hope Zambian staff and their families with Oasis team

It is important to us that in all the projects/business ventures we are able to maintain our core values. Evaluation of our projects will include how well we were able to maintain/facilitate our core values.

• Worshipful Attitude - We want everything done in a way that worships and honors God. Especially as we care for others, we know that Jesus says when we care for the least among us it is just like caring for Him.
• Christ-like Servant hood - The people we are serving should feel loved, empowered and released into their calling. They should be honored and able to maintain their cultural identity.
• Local Leadership - All projects as much as possible should have local leadership and national partners. Throughout the life of the project, local leadership and responsibility should be ever-increasing as much as possible.
• Transformation - We desire to see transformation of families, communities, and nations through the Kingdom of God being demonstrated in various ways.
• Sustainability - We seek to introduce sustainable methods in all aspects of our partnerships.
• Reproduction - We want everything we do to be reproduced easily by nationals in-country.
• Multiplication - We want to use methods and ideas that can be multiplied whenever possible
• Empowerment of the Local Church - When possible, in most circumstances, we seek to work with and empower local churches and local church leaders
• Mercy and Compassion - Acts of mercy and compassion will be a part of all our ventures, purposefully demonstrated especially to serve as training/discipleship opportunities with our in-country partners.
• Discipleship - All trainings will be intentional to make disciples and to train trainers. Facilitating a place to put into practice what has been taught will be a priority.
• Integrity - In every way we are seeking to show integrity. We want to be true and honest in the things that we say and do.
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